1、高達50%的代理傭金,讓妳足不出護月入百萬; |
2、零風險,零費用,高回報,每月準時出傭; |
3、全年度優惠不斷,滿足各種類型玩家需求; |
4、提款快速,金額不封頂,實力雄厚,資金有保障; |
5、數據信息詳盡,可查閱下線投註記錄及代理線發展狀況; |
6、擁有【視訊、電子遊藝、體育、彩票】等線上賭場執照,信譽保證; |
7、多年大力推廣,品牌熱度十足,代理可坐享廣告品牌效應; |
8、營運多年,平臺穩定,品質卓越,服務到位,深受百萬玩家信賴。 |
亞投-代理飞聊: daili2021
视讯、BB体育、电子游艺项目,以报表中【派彩】字段,依照上表门槛 X 佣金百分比,并扣除相应费用只有当月代理商佣金总额产生负值,可享受以下奖励待遇:根据会员的充值和活跃度由代理部门评估给予一定奖金,最高可达18888。回馈/佣金计算:
彩票项目以报表中【有效投注】字段X 0.1%佣金百分比,并扣除相应费用;
退水(前期累积+当期总退水) -费用(前期累积+当期总费用),当相减下来有两个结果:正数跟负数:正数时:相减下来的金额+派彩(前期累积+当期总派彩)*退佣比例=可获得佣金
• 每月必须最少有5个活跃会员 (指当月于相关项目至少投注500元,每位下线会员存款不低于500),
例: 体系当月营利为¥100000,而当月有效会员人数为5人,联盟虽达到赢利为¥100000,却未达到有效会员10人以上,故依照联盟有效会员人数5人的门坎的退佣比例核算。
A:支付费用 – 亚投联盟合作伙伴推荐之会员所产生的银行存款、提款等支付费用。
B:优惠红利 – 亚投联盟合作伙伴给予会员的现金红利或是折扣。
例2: 假若本月佣金出现负数,将会带到下一个月继续累积,直到正数才会派送佣金
代理佣金每期结算一次,结算区间为本月1号至月尾,将盈利,以联盟方案分红公式计算,佣金由承办客服于每个月的2号开始与代理确认金额后, 在5号将佣金直接汇入代理联盟登记之银行账号。
为感谢广大代理对我公司的支持特地推出以下奖项给予鼓励 |
佣金激励奖 |
当月佣金3W+ | 奖励 688 |
当月佣金5W+ | 奖励 1888 |
当月佣金20W+ | 奖励 3888 |
当月佣金50W+ | 奖励 8888 |
我们的实力代理商很多,无法一 一列举,就与大家分享几个实力代理真实案
01 某A代理:2015年8月正式成为我们代理商,月收入120万以上,至今活跃玩家50000多个,还在持续不断增加。
02 某B代理:2015年10月正式成为我们代理商,月收入高达100万以上;
The rights and obligations of the Yatou We Best to the acting alliance |
The blogger department will register members of the league and will observe their bets. The Union and its members must agree to and abide by the membership regulations, policies and procedures of the YatouWe Best. Yatou We Best reserves the right to refuse or freeze an affiliate / membership account.
The proxy alliance can log in at any time to observe its member's betting status and members' activities in the website. The customer service department in Yatou We Best will receive commissions based on the membership of the affiliate.
Yatou We Best reserve the right to modify any Ordinance, a contract includes the present commission commission plan, scope, payment program, and reference program regulations of power, Yatou We Best will be notified by email, agent alliance website announcement method. The agent alliance has objections to the changes made, and the agent alliance may choose to terminate the contract or negotiate the opinions of the customer service personnel. If the modified agency does not have any objection, it will be regarded as the default contract modification, and the agent alliance must comply with the relevant regulations after the change.
the power and obligation of the acting coalition to Yatou We Best |
The acting alliance should do its best to publicize, sell and promote Yatou We Best extensively so as to maximize the profits of the agents themselves and Yatou We Best. The agent alliance may, in the absence of violation of the law, promote, sell and promote Yatou We Best in a positive manner, and shall be obliged to inform its members of all the relevant preferential conditions and products in Yatou We Best.
For the Yatou We Best promotion option selected by the agent association, the agent shall pay the fee if it is required to pay.
Any information relating to Yatou We Best includes: signs, reports, game pictures, drawings, copies, etc. the agent League shall not copy, distribute or distribute the materials without authorization, and Yatou We Best reserves the right to prosecute the law. If the agent has the necessary needs for business promotion, please feel free to contact Yatou We Best at any time.
Representatives of all sectors of the association can not be opened without the Yatou We Best permit / multiple proxy accounts, nor from Yatou We Best accounts or stakeholders earn commissions. Please remember that any class agent cannot use proxy accounts, and Yatou We Best has the right to terminate and seal accounts and all commissions earned in the game.
To ensure the privacy and rights of all members of YatouWe Best membership, Yatou We Best will not provide any member password or membership information. The class agent union may not obtain membership information in any way, or any login lower membership account, such as the discovery agent against Yatou We Best alliance member privacy behavior, Yatou We Best has the right to cancel the bonus and cancel the proxy agent alliance, alliance account.
Members of an agent alliance may not open more than one account. The Yatou We Best shall have the right to require members to provide valid identification to verify membership and retain the right to repeat the membership in IP. In the event of any violation of the foregoing, the Yatou We Best reserves the right to terminate the player's game and seal the account and all commissions earned in the game
The alliance can not be effectively betting member or other alliance, is the only effective betting company directly under the agency members, the monthly 3 referrals (at least monthly membership effectively betting on line 3 times normal, betting) if any alliance has the right to terminate the agreement of Yatou We Best and the account storage and all earn in the game the commission.
For example, members of the acting alliance are prohibited from enjoying the YatouWe Best games because of violation of the Ordinance, or Yatou We Best has returned the deposits to the members.
The terms of the contract will be implemented after the Yatou We Best notification has been accepted by the acting alliance. The Yatou We Best and the acting alliance may terminate this contract at any time. In any case, if the agent union wishes to terminate the contract, it must notify Yatou We Best by written / e-mail within seven days. The performance of the proxy alliance will be reviewed once every 3 months. If the agent alliance is not an existing partner, the contract may terminate at any time. Yatou We Best shall have the right to terminate the contract immediately if the partners violate the contract ordinance.
In Yatou We Best without permission, not to disclose the agent alliance and authorized Yatou We Best S density data, including the agency alliance obtained feedback, commission report, calculation; agent alliance has the obligation to still perform confidential files and data in the contract after the termination of secrecy.
After the termination of the contract, the acting Union and YatouWe Best will not be required to fulfil their rights and obligations. Termination of the contract does not relieve the agent of the obligation of the alliance to terminate the contract.